Sunday, April 13, 2008

Seasonal Season

Its 2:15 AM right now. And an amazing thought came to my mind. I was wondering why the bloody hell is it so hot? Well the obvious answer is because its summer. But lets take things a bit beyond obvious since obvious things don't make you look smart.

What I mean to talk about is all this green house effects on earth. And how it's melting the big tasteless blue ice creams at the poles of the earth. Well I think it's all bullocks. Well has anyone heard about ice age? Google it if you haven't, I'm not wasting my time explaining it. So after that we have observed that it's getting hot every year. Now there are these bunch of bigger and PhD certified crackpots than me, who call themselves geologists, who talk about a pattern that they observed when one fine morning they decided it would be a good day to slice out some mountain cliffs. And that's how they describe ice age. Now lets come to the simpler things that happen every year. Like the seasons. We have winter then we have summer and then we have rain. Well now if you put 1and 1 together... its should either make 2 or 11. So that's really the pattern these scientists try to explain!

During the ice age, there was ice! Winter! Now after winter we have summer and that's why its so god damn hot. And when it's hot ice melts and places flood and there's lots of water. Now after some thousand years our grand grand grand grand grand... grand sons and daughters will see that it just rains and there won't be any flood because there wont be much of land. And we moan about property rates already! And then everything will cool down and it will be winter again and we'll see mammoths taking a stroll in our backyard :) . So thats really about it. Though it still doesn't mean you should not save fuel and stop spreading exhaust gases from your vehicle's backside and worst methane gas from your backside.

Well that's all gyan for today thank you for wasting your time on this nonsense. Have a great day!

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