Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hula Hooped

There are many things in life that can give you a backache. Like going to school, going to work during peak hours, carrying your girlfriend just because there's no one home, a bad warm up before gym or playing squash after 3 centuries have passed. Hell you can even get a backache reading a book as I discovered just last year! Well here's a new addition to our 'Infinite ways to get a backache' list, do a hula hoop. now one might want to argue that if your are just 21 year old and healthy enough to have tried traveling in local trains and play squash once every asteroid visit why can't you do a hula hoop properly? Well the answer is I can't. Simply.

Here's what had happened. I was at my friends place. And her little sister wanted me to show off my skills at hula hoop. Now I could have refused to do that but the whole family was present at that moment. And my ego told me to take the challenge an 8 year old threw at my face(not practically, thankfully). So I tried the 1st time. I didn't even complete one rotation and the hula hoop was at my feet. Like a brave man would have done I tried again. Ready to give my life if I had to, but I had to do the hula hoop. By the third time most of the people had left the room already besides my friend and her sister. And that's when things went wrong. I got a cramp and was on the sofa in no time. My friend was kind enough to drop me home then. She said she was proud of my attempts cause she never had tried hula hoop herself.

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