Monday, April 28, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Bikini World
Aahhh now here's a very interesting adventure. I'll just get to the point.
I went off with my mum on a short and a rather boring shopping trip. Now it's not that my mum's boring, it's just that I find shopping boring. Specially during summers. We had bought all the stuff we were hunting for and kept our catch safe in our car and that's when my mum remembered she forgot to buy some under garment. Don't ask me the name because I've forgotten it. Apparently women have more types of undergarment than cloths. And that's what I discovered that day.
Now things are pretty much simple for men when it comes to undergarments. (Unless your gay probably... I'm just guessing since I'm not one thankfully). You have vest and you have briefs. That's all. And if your are talking about me I couldn't make much different if my mum wouldn't keep my briefs separate from handkerchiefs.
Now most women might consider my entering a women undergarments shop rather revolting. I don't care anyway. So I did hoping they might have AC or a fast fan so I could cool myself. They just had one ceiling fan which was only couple of inches bigger than the exhaust fan in my computer. As soon as I entered the shop. Eye's turned. Mostly likely maybe because I entered a women undergarments shop even though I don't look gay. And most weird was most eyes never left me as a target. I'd wonder why they continued staring. There are many possibilities here. One the were embarrassed to know that a guy saw them buying undergarments, when its perfectly fine to continue do so. Two they probably wanted my expert opinion on which one to go for, considering the options available for sale this reasoning is quite a possibility. Apart from the fact that I'd have recommended not buying one since I find women sexy when they are not wearing undergarments. They never asked my opinion. Or more like they never got a chance cause I found it was cooler outside than inside the shop. So I disappeared to buy some coke.
Now talking about women undergarments. Most men would go into the state of coma if only they saw the varieties of women undergarments! Big, small (some here so small and thin I couldn't see the point of wearing one.), padded ones probably to make things look bigger than they are which isn't sexy at all. And most seemed to be recycled out of curtains! Literally! Anyway I couldn't do any more of the pervertish observations since I had to get a coke or I'd have died in a women undergarments shop. So that's the amazing world of women undergarments!
Thank you for reading! And if you have any self respect. Please leave a comment it took me 10 mins to type all this.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Seasonal Season
Its 2:15 AM right now. And an amazing thought came to my mind. I was wondering why the bloody hell is it so hot? Well the obvious answer is because its summer. But lets take things a bit beyond obvious since obvious things don't make you look smart.
What I mean to talk about is all this green house effects on earth. And how it's melting the big tasteless blue ice creams at the poles of the earth. Well I think it's all bullocks. Well has anyone heard about ice age? Google it if you haven't, I'm not wasting my time explaining it. So after that we have observed that it's getting hot every year. Now there are these bunch of bigger and PhD certified crackpots than me, who call themselves geologists, who talk about a pattern that they observed when one fine morning they decided it would be a good day to slice out some mountain cliffs. And that's how they describe ice age. Now lets come to the simpler things that happen every year. Like the seasons. We have winter then we have summer and then we have rain. Well now if you put 1and 1 together... its should either make 2 or 11. So that's really the pattern these scientists try to explain!
During the ice age, there was ice! Winter! Now after winter we have summer and that's why its so god damn hot. And when it's hot ice melts and places flood and there's lots of water. Now after some thousand years our grand grand grand grand grand... grand sons and daughters will see that it just rains and there won't be any flood because there wont be much of land. And we moan about property rates already! And then everything will cool down and it will be winter again and we'll see mammoths taking a stroll in our backyard :) . So thats really about it. Though it still doesn't mean you should not save fuel and stop spreading exhaust gases from your vehicle's backside and worst methane gas from your backside.
Well that's all gyan for today thank you for wasting your time on this nonsense. Have a great day!
Hula Hooped
There are many things in life that can give you a backache. Like going to school, going to work during peak hours, carrying your girlfriend just because there's no one home, a bad warm up before gym or playing squash after 3 centuries have passed. Hell you can even get a backache reading a book as I discovered just last year! Well here's a new addition to our 'Infinite ways to get a backache' list, do a hula hoop. now one might want to argue that if your are just 21 year old and healthy enough to have tried traveling in local trains and play squash once every asteroid visit why can't you do a hula hoop properly? Well the answer is I can't. Simply.
Here's what had happened. I was at my friends place. And her little sister wanted me to show off my skills at hula hoop. Now I could have refused to do that but the whole family was present at that moment. And my ego told me to take the challenge an 8 year old threw at my face(not practically, thankfully). So I tried the 1st time. I didn't even complete one rotation and the hula hoop was at my feet. Like a brave man would have done I tried again. Ready to give my life if I had to, but I had to do the hula hoop. By the third time most of the people had left the room already besides my friend and her sister. And that's when things went wrong. I got a cramp and was on the sofa in no time. My friend was kind enough to drop me home then. She said she was proud of my attempts cause she never had tried hula hoop herself.
Experiencing XP
Out of all the options I have for an operating system. I've got XP Pro. Now most people don't switch their operating systems as much as they change their skins. But with me, I change my OP almost twice a year. Sometimes even more than that if I'm feeling up to it. And that's not because I can change my skin.
Now any sane person would ask me why in the name of anything for that matter, would I keep changing my OP? Well because it make me feel I'm smart. See the point? And also I've got around 7 - 10 OS's lying around. I've also asked for UBUNTU Linux which they ship for free. And anything that's free is good. I had Vista few days back. Been using it since last year. And I'd chose it amongst all the OS's I've got. But the fact remains that you cannot run a spacecraft on kerosene. So here I am back to earth. Vista was all good besides the fact that it decided to piss me off by not starting properly. So I just took it out.
I'm waiting for UBUNTU. I'll install it on a test run 1st. It's supposed to be most safe and stable off all the OS's in the market. Anyway that's all about my computer for now. If only MSEB doesn't throw down their switches for a change.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Banned from kitchen :(
Well its a very short story which I'm gonna sound very long. Because I can and so can Hollywood directors. Remember the movie 'Phone Booth'?
Now this is what had happened.
I was busy, I mean very busy playing computer game in the morning. And my mum was busy working in the kitchen. And papa was busy humming some tulu song very loudly. Mum saw me playing games and started screaming at me for being an absolutely irresponsible towards my duty as a son. So she made me peal garlic for her. She went off to take a bath and asked me to further my duty by grinding the garlic and other odd looking and foul smelling spices in the mixer. That's when disaster struck.
I put the whole foul smelling mixture to the mixer. Turned the damned mixer on and went of to sip water. And BANG the whole kitchen was now smelling foul. Burnt foul smelling spices and plastic. I was on the floor. Can't remember how I got there. I had just taken a shower. Papa was still trying to make sense of what happened in the kitchen. And if this is Osama bin Laden's idea of a terror weapon. Foul smelling bombs. And then mum barged in. And you can imagine the rest. So here I am banned from entering kitchen. I did sneak in for a banana though. I'm guessing the ban will be lifted tomorrow morning for breakfast. For now here I am busy doing noting. I think I'll get back to Jeremy Clarkson's book.