Monday, January 21, 2008

Back with a Mac

Here we are. My first post of 2008 after my last post of Wednesday, August 1, 2007. Just went through Ankita's Blog. This woman actually gets visitors for her. And here I am writing just for me to read. Writing never the less!
Lets discuss the title for now. "Back with a Mac". Now it really doesn't mean that iv got a Mac. Because i don't ! It's just that I'v changed my Vista to look like Mac. Yeah I do that quite often. Screwing up my computer with softwares filled with adwares is my favourate pass time. Give me the feeling that i'm doing something kool. Although all what I really do is just install pirated softwares and use it once and uninstall it simply because Vista doesn't support all the softwares! See? And talking about my other favorite pass times one that come to my mind is pulling pranks on on expected people. Its a different thing that pranks are supposed to be unexpected for it wont be termed as pranks otherwise. Never the less i can still use the word because i can!
I think i typed enough for the time being. Maybe I'll type about something tonight. Saionara!

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