Monday, January 28, 2008

Radioheads makes me feel drunk -_-

Yeah listening to radioheads right now. Feeling drunk. And it's freaking cold with me not having proper winter cloths it suks. And my frnds keep pointing at my mistakes, I mean who gives a fuk if its feets or foot man the point is mine are cold. And I have to suffocate myself in my room, bcoz its soo breeeeeezy out there. I also suggested one my friends to wet her hands and stand in front of the window... she called me a murderer. No prizes for guessing why. Well that's about it for the day. Just thought I'd enter something since its been 3 days since my last post. Sayonara![bows down and hits his head on the keyboard] long live radioheads!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Deception Point

Dan Brown does some serious home work I assure you. If only I'd had that little ability my life would have been quite different. Well started reading 'Deception Point' few days back. I even got it's audiobook version! :D But nothing beats the smell of those printed pages. About the book... well its has good humour some of the best I've read infact... it's a different matter I don't read as many fiction. Well it has been keeping distracted from my work anyway... good thing I don't have deadlines to worry about. Still complete the book as of yet. Fictions do make a good refresh after having to read boring stuff. And I'm totally blank about what to write more so I'll get off here and on with the books! Maybe latter something worth while popup into my head to write about... till then... Ciao

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Unusual day in the unusual life of an unusual me!

Now that's one topic filled with attitude up to the brim! Well its true never the less. I mean how many 21 yr olds work on business plan in the morning talk to an attorney in the afternoon, read a book on business law and take a nap lucid dreaming about his business that still exists only in his mind and a few parts on papers scattered all over the place? Not many I'd guess. One of the very typical days in my life. Yeah this is how I work! And hope it does take me where I want to be. My last employee wasn't very happy with my, of what he called "Mavericism"! So here I am trying to setup my own company... quite simple solution and i dare say a rather scary one for most. Hope I'd succeed... wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Simplicity of Emotions

Ever wonder why people don't like simple things? In schools and colleges the lecturers can't stand single sentenced answers. In offices bosses can't stand simple solutions to the current problems. Even the telecallers don't understand that its irritating to here the damn script that they literally recite word to word! The most complex thing that needs simplification is a woman's mind. These lot have the innate ability think so many things at the same moment that if it were a man's head it would simply go into comma. They have a rather polite way of calling this as being 'very emotional'. Men being told that they aren't emotional... try asking this to a man who just proposed a woman and he'll simply get you by the neck maybe we men don't show our emotions on our face for society has trained us not to but by no means are we any less emotional than our female counter parts! Its just that we have very simple emotions and rather keep it that way or we just as well go mad.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Windows Live Writer!


Here I am. Using Windows Live Writer on a Windows Vista OS which has been made to look like an Apple Mac Platform! :P And here I am again, typing a test post.

Back with a Mac

Here we are. My first post of 2008 after my last post of Wednesday, August 1, 2007. Just went through Ankita's Blog. This woman actually gets visitors for her. And here I am writing just for me to read. Writing never the less!
Lets discuss the title for now. "Back with a Mac". Now it really doesn't mean that iv got a Mac. Because i don't ! It's just that I'v changed my Vista to look like Mac. Yeah I do that quite often. Screwing up my computer with softwares filled with adwares is my favourate pass time. Give me the feeling that i'm doing something kool. Although all what I really do is just install pirated softwares and use it once and uninstall it simply because Vista doesn't support all the softwares! See? And talking about my other favorite pass times one that come to my mind is pulling pranks on on expected people. Its a different thing that pranks are supposed to be unexpected for it wont be termed as pranks otherwise. Never the less i can still use the word because i can!
I think i typed enough for the time being. Maybe I'll type about something tonight. Saionara!