Wednesday, August 1, 2007

A day in my life

Its 9:00 in the morning... n im here yawning n looking out of the window with a toothbrush in my hand, trying to figure out wat im supposed to do with it... Looking up in the sky n thinking if the watch has fast forwarded for the skys' soo gloomy one has to really think of wat he might do with a toothbrush afterall... Then after much brainwrecking n yawning the brushing process begins... I go online n chk some stupid mails my frnds keep forwarding for no given reason n i keep reading for no stupid reason... the net goes down after 10 AM... i get a newspaper... read it till 11AM if possible n den a shower... n start off with a college book n dozz off till 1PM... den the lunch time... after some burps its time for some smaller sized books dat has absolutely noting to do with my studies... it goes on till 4PM... its just amazing dat i can read for dat long without dozzing off this time... den the guitar comes in sight... so i plug some music n go bezerk on the string... no ones to watch u c :) ... den its time for some news... after being shown the same news for nearlly an hour i turn it off n get out for a walk... meetup wid someone n come back n takea nice warm shower... den some more books... den dinner + sans bahu serial (coz of ma mom they dont make sense to me) n its back online... wondering y rainy seasons r some boring... i wish the were only for a few days... i think couples doo n'joy it but i'm still single n pretty happy but not with the rains but just the simple plain life dat exists dats boring me soo much...